Next Puerto rico Yoga Retreat: April 30-May 4, 2020 info@raicesyoga.com
Las Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve is located in the town of Fajardo, at the northeastern tip of Puerto Rico. This reserve has hundreds of acres made up of various ecosystems. Las Cabezas de San Juan is owned by Para La Naturaleza, an organization that protect lands of high ecological value and educates about the importance of taking responsibility for our natural resources. As part of our retreat activities we will participate of a service activity planting native trees and learning more about this important nature reserve.
Las Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve is located in the town of Fajardo, at the northeastern tip of Puerto Rico. This reserve has hundreds of acres made up of various ecosystems. Las Cabezas de San Juan is owned by Para La Naturaleza, an organization that protect lands of high ecological value and educates about the importance of taking responsibility for our natural resources. As part of our retreat activities we will participate of a service activity planting native trees and learning more about this important nature reserve.